The batch order entry can speed up the order entry process when you receive a group or batch of orders with the same sample type, test and/or facility of origin
Illustration, suppose you receive a batch of 100 DBS samples for viral load testing from North Regional Hospital, you can use batch order entry to set the sample type, test and hospital for all the samples at once. Then, you can rapidly print barcode labels for each sample. You have the option to include patient information right away, or save that data entry for a later point in time.
How to set up batch order entry without individual patient data
Hover the mouse over the hamburger icon and click to open the menu.
Click on Orders to expand.
Click on Batch Order Entry.
Click the Order tab and select Batch Order Entry.
Note: Fields marked with an asterisks (*)are mandatory.
In the Order section, verify the Current Date in the format dd/mm/yyyy and Current Time in the format hh:mm
You can change the Received Date in the format dd/mm/yyyy and Reception Time in the format hh:mm.
Select the Form, if applicable. The selections will depend on your local configuration. In this illustration, the Routine Testing form is selected by clicking on the drop-down menu and clicking on the form.
In the Sample Section, Click on the Sample Type from the dropdown menu.
Select the sample from the drop-down menu items. In this illustration, Stool culture is selected as the sample type
Check the box(es) corresponding to the desired panel(s) and test(s). In this illustration, the check box for stool culture is checked.
Note: The number of panels and tests available for a sample depends on the type of sample (serum, plasma, blood, urine). The sample type and test will be the same for the entire batch being entered.
In the Configure Barcode Entry section, select the Barcode Method from the dropdown list. Choose Pre-Printed if the barcodes you are using are already printed labels. Choose On Demand if you will print the entire barcode label from OpenELIS.
Note: Facility ID and Patient Information are Optional Fields.
You can add Facility ID for the batch if they all have the same facility of origin. Check the box for Facility ID and enter the ID in the text field.
The section under How to set up batch order entry with individual patient data provides a step by step guide on how to use the Patient Info field.
Click the Next button at the bottom of the page.
A new page appears which gives you the summary of the sample and the option to save and print.
You can update the Current Date, Current Time, Received Date and Received Time as needed.
Verify that the Sample Type and Test Name are correct.
Click Save & Print.
The Current Accession Number for the first sample in the batch will be generated automatically and the barcode label will appear below.
You can enter any other accession/laboratory numbers associated with the sample (for example, the number assigned by the referring lab or facility) in the field Previous Accession Numbers to facilitate tracing.
Scroll within the barcode window to see all the labels: one for the paperwork and labels for the sample.
To go to the next sample in the batch, click the Next Label button. Repeat Steps 14-15.
Once you have entered all the samples in the batch, scroll down and click the Finish button.
At a later point, go to Order Entry on the Order tab and scan the barcode to pull up the order and enter the patient data at that time.
How to set up a batch order entry with individual patient data.
Complete Steps 1-11 of How to set up batch order entry without individual patient data.
Check the box next to Patient Info under Optional Fields. Click the Next button.
The Batch Entry page will appear with a section Sample Specific Fields. This page allows for searching for information for an existing patient as well as creating a new patient
You will need to search for the patient in the database. The search criterion is as follows:
Patient’s last name (surname or family name)
Patient’s first name (given name)
Patient’s last and first name, separated by a comma
Patient’s identification code
A previous lab order number associated with that patient- you can scan a barcode or enter this manually
Type in the search term (the name or code number) into the search field and click Search. In this illustration, the patient's last name is used as the search parameter.
The search results appear in a tabular format listing the patient, their birth date, and identification code. Select the patient that matches the one you want by clicking on the radio button next to that patient. The patient form will populate with that patient’s information. The radio-button for the first result is selected by default.
If there are no results that match the desired patient, you will have to create a new patient record.
Click on New Patient button to clear the form if needed.
Enter the patient’s Patient ID, National ID, Last Name, First Names, Date of Birth or Age, and Sex (Gender).
NOTE: Age is calculated automatically from the date of birth. If date of birth is not available but age is known, enter age only and a proxy date of birth will be assigned
Complete Steps 13-17 of How to set up batch entry without individual patient data.
How to print barcode labels
Hover the mouse over the Order tab, select Print Barcode Labels.
The Print Barcode Label page will appear. You can do the following under the Pre-Print Barcodes section:
Enter number of label sets
Enter number of order labels per set
Enter the number of specimen labels per set
Enter the total labels to print. This will set the number of barcodes to be printed.
Check the optional check-box for facility ID
Select the Sample Type from the drop-down menu and the corresponding panel(s) and available tests.
Click on the Pre-Print Label button. The barcode will be displayed. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the labels.
Click on the printer icon at the top right to print the labels.