How to access the user manual

  1. Hover the mouse over the hamburger icon and click to open the menu.

Access the OpenELIS menu
  1. Hover the mouse and click on the drop-down menu under the Help module.

Click help drop-down menu
  1. Click on the User Manual to access the user manual

How to access process documentation.

  1. Click VL Form under process documentation to access the form.

A portable document format (PDF)will be opened for the VL Form

  1. To download the form, click on the download icon at the top right.

  1. To print the form, click on the printer icon at the top of the top right.

  1. Click VL Form under process documentation to access the form.

A portable document format (PDF)will be opened for the VL Form

  1. To download the form, click on the download icon at the top right.


  1. To print the form, click on the printer icon at the top of the top right.