

How to view the test catalog

  1. The test catalog is used  for reading, searching and conducting audits of testing catalog. To access View Test Catalog, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module.

  2. Click on view test catalog under test organization. 

Click view test catalog
  1. Upon clicking on view test catalog, click on the show Guide checkbox to consult the definitions of terms used in the test catalog. The guide will appear on the same page.

Click show guide

Note: To close the guide, uncheck the show guide checkbox.

  1. To view a catalog for a test, click on a checkbox corresponding to the test you want to see. In this illustration, the checkbox for the Molecular Biology test has been clicked.

Note: The list of tests and specifications appear on the same page. The specifications for each test are: 

  1. Test Name

  2. Name in English and in French

  3. Name of reports

  4. Unit of Measure

  5. Test unit

  6. Sample Type

  7. Panel

  8. Result type

  9. Significant digits

  10. Reference Value

  11. Limits results by gender and age

    1. normal range

    2. valid range

Note: The illustration below shows HIV VIRAL LOAD test catalog. 

Note: To learn more about the definition of the parameters for a test, consult  the guide. In these illustrations, the significance  for HIV VIRAL LOAD digit is set at 2 hence two decimal points.

Note: The All checkbox when clicked will select all the tests and display the respective test catalogs.

Manage methods

  1. The manage method is used to create a new method, activate or deactivate a method. Click on the menu item ,to access the manage method page. To access Manage Method, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module.

  2. Click on Manage Methods under test organization. 

  1. Click on under the method management page.

How to add a new test

  1. To access Manage Method, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on add new test under the test organization section.

Note: Upon clicking on add new test, the test add page will be displayed. Fields marked with asterisks * are mandatory. Therefore, this form cannot be saved without filling these fields. To learn more about the definitions of terms used in the test catalog, check the  Show guide checkbox. 

To close the guide, uncheck the Show guide checkbox

  1. Fill in the English and French names for the test.

  1. Select a Test Section from the dropdown menu. In this illustration, Hematology is selected

  1. Select a panel for the test if the test should belong to a panel. In this illustration, CBC is  selected. To remove a selected panel, click on the "X" next to the panel.

  1. Select the result type from the drop down menu. In this illustration, numeric is selected.

  1. Select the unit of measure for the test. In this illustration, parts per million (ppm) is selected.

  1. Click on the Copy from Test Name button under Reporting Test Name to automatically fill in the reporting test name in English and French.

Note: The Is Active and Orderable checkboxes are selected by default. This means that the test can be associated with an order and that the test can be put on an order form

  1. Click on the Next button. Otherwise, click the Back button to cancel.

  1. Select the sample type for the test from the  dropdown menu. In this illustration, serum is selected.

Note: You can order the display of the test by dragging the position. 


  1. Click on the Next button. Otherwise, click the Back button to cancel. Upon clicking on the next button, a section for setting the range for the test will be displayed on the same page.

How to add range for a test

The  range panel is used to set the normal range, reporting range, valid range and critical range for the results of the newly created test. You have the option to set the sex dependency for either female or male. In this illustration age is used to set the range.

  1. In this illustration, the age range has been set as 10 years for both male and females.

Note: the age range is now set between 0-10 for both male and female.

  1. Set the normal range for the test. In this illustration, the range is set between 5 and 10.


  1. Set the reporting range for the test. In this illustration, the range is set between 7 and 155.

  1. Set the valid range for the test. Ideally, this is the result you would expect to get from a live human. In this illustration, the range is set between 0 and 250. Essentially, this means the results cannot be below 0 and 250.

  1. Set the valid range for the test. In this illustration, the range is set between 140 and 150. 

Note: You can configure the normal range for different age brackets based  on gender. In the illustration below  the normal range for male is set between 8 and 25 for age above 10 years to infinity. Where as the the normal range for female is set between 7 and 30 for age 10 years to infinity

  1. To set  the significance digits, click on the show guide checkbox and consult the guide on the significant digits.

  1. Set the significant digit. In this illustration the significant digit is set to 2. 

  1. Click on the Next button. Otherwise, click the Back button to cancel.

  1. Click on the accept button. You will be navigated to the add new test page.

How to modify a test

  1. You can modify existing tests in the system . To access the modify test option, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on modify test under the test organization section.

Note: Upon clicking on modify test, the test modification page will be displayed. To learn more about the definitions of terms used in the test modification page, check the  Show guide checkbox. 

To close the guide, uncheck the Show guide checkbox

  1. To modify a test, click on the test from the list. In this illustration, Test(Red Top) is clicked. The test edit section will be expanded on the same page.

  1. Edit the desired fields. In this illustration, the test is edited as Red top for both English and French names.

Note: consideration should be taken in ensuring that the panel, results type, unit of measure fields are entered. The Reporting Test Name fields should also be fields upon editing the test by clicking on the The Copy from Test Name button.

  1. Click on the Next button

  1. Click on the Edit results ranges button.see the  how to add range for a test  section on.

  1. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the finished button at the bottom of the page.

How to activate or deactivate a test

  1. A test must be active for it to be used in laboratory orders. To activate a test, click on To access the add result select list, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on activate /deactivate tests under the test organization section.

  1. Upon clicking on activate /deactivate tests, the test activation page will be displayed. Active Tests: a checked box indicates an already active test. To activate a test, check the box.

  1. Click on the save button at the bottom of the page.

  1. To sort the tests to indicate how they will be displayed, Click on the test to drag it to a desired position; this is optional. Otherwise, click on the Next button.

  1. Verify the activation of the test by clicking on  the Accept button. The test will be activated successfully.

  1. To deactivate a test, click on a checkbox for an  active test.

  1. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Verify the deactivation of the test by clicking on the Accept button.

Note: Any sample types without an existing active test are deactivated and appear at the bottom, under 'Inactive Sample Types'. If one of the tests is activated, the sample type will be activated.

How to enable or disable test orderability

Tests that are orderable can be ordered on intake. If they are not orderable then they can only be ordered as a result of a reflex

  1. To enable or disable test orderability, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on enable or disable test orderability under the test organization section.

Note: Test with checks are orderable, those without checks are not orderable. Change checks to change status. For a test to be able to be ordered on intake it must be both active and orderable. Tests which are active but not orderable may be requested as part of a test reflex.

  1. In this illustration, the orderability of the  test Stat-Pak will be enabled by checking the checkbox.

  1. Click on the next button at the bottom of the page

  1. Click on the Accept button to verify that these are the changes you want to make. In test orderability will be enabled successfully.

  1. To change the test orderability for a test, click on the checkbox of the desired test.

  1. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Accept button to verify that these are the changes you want to make. The test will be disabled successfully.

Manage test units

  1. The manage test unit  is used to create, set display order or assign tests to test units. To access the manage test unit, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on manage test unit  under the test organization section.

How to create a new test unit

  1. Click on create new test unit   under the manage test unit  page.

  1. Enter both the English and French names for the new test unit. In this illustration, “Test” is entered.

  1. Click on the Save button.


  1. Click on the Accept button. The newly created test unit will be listed under the inactive test units section.

How to assign a test to a new test unit

  1. Click on the test assignment under the manage sample type page.

  1. Select the test to re-assign to a different lab unit by clicking the test name. In this illustration, Amylase (serum) under Biochemistry Is clicked.

  1. Select the test unit from the assign test section drop-down menu.

  1. Click on the Save button.

  1. Click on the Accept button. The test will be reassigned  to the newly created test unit.

How to set test unit order

  1. Click on Set test unit order

  1. To reorder the display, click on a sample and drag the position using the arrow to the position you desire. In this illustration, the test unit position will be repositioned to the bottom .

  1. Notice the position of the  test unit. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Accept button.

How to add result select list


  1. The add result select list is used to create a result select list for available tests. To access the add result select list, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on add result select list under the test organization section.

  1. Enter  both English and French for the new selection you wish to add the list to. In this illustration, test has been entered.

  1. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Save button.

  1. To assign the new result, click on an available test.


  1. The result “test” will be added to the available test. Click on the save button.

  1. Click on the Accept button. The result will be added successfully. The select list option can now be assigned to a new test.

Manage sample types

  1. The manage sample type is used to  create, set display order or assign tests to sample types. To access the add result select list, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on add result select list under the test organization section.

How to create a new sample type

  1. Click on create a new sample type under the manage sample type page

  1. Enter both the English and French names for the new sample type. In this illustration, a purple top vacutainer is entered.

  1. Click on the Next button.


  1. Click on the Accept button. The newly created sample type will be listed under the inactive sample types section.


How to assign a test to a new sample type

  1. Click on the test assignment under the manage sample type page.

  1. Click on a test under the test assignment page. In this illustration, Blood count (serum)

  1. Select the sample type to assign from the dropdown menu. The purple top vacutainer is selected.

  1. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the  Accept button. The test will be added to the sample.


Note: The laboratory team can now access the newly created sample type.


How to establish the display order for samples

  1. Click on Set Sample Type Order 

  1. To reorder the display,click on a sample and drag the position using the arrow to the position you desire. In this illustration, the purple top vacutainer sample type position will be repositioned to the bottom .


  1. Notice the position of the purple top vacutainer sample type. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Accept button

How to create a unit of measure

  1. The manage unit of measure is used to  create units of measure. To access the  manage unit of measure, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click the  manage unit of measure under the test organization section.

  1. Click on unit of measure

  1. Enter the unit of measure under the text box. In this illustration, Micrograms per litre (mcg/L) is entered. 

  1. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Accept button. The new unit of measure will be created successfully. Otherwise, click on the Reject button to cancel.

Manage panels

  1. The manage panels is used to create, set display order or assign tests to panels. To access the manage panel option, Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module. Click on add result select list under the test organization section.

How to create a panel


  1. Click on create a new panel under the type page

  1. Enter both the English and French names for the new sample type. In this illustration, test panel is entered.

  1. Select the sample type from the Sample Type drop-down menu. In this illustration, Whole blood is selected.

  1. Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Accept button. The newly created panel will be listed under the inactive panel section.

How to assign a test to a new panel

  1. Click on the test assignment under the page.

  1. Select the panel to assign tests to under the panel drop-down menu.

  1. Click on the test to be assigned to the panel under available tests.

  1.  To select multiple tests, hold the SHIFT key on your windows operating system and click on the desired tests.

  1.  Click on the < arrow to move the selected test(s) under the panel.

Note: To remove a test from the panel, click on the test to select it then click on the > arrow.

  1. Click on the Save button. A “save successful” message will be displayed.


Note: The laboratory team can now access the newly created panel.

How to establish the display order for panels

  1. Click on Set Panel Order 

  1. To reorder the display,click on a panel and drag the position using the arrow to the position you desire. In this illustration, the test panel  position will be repositioned to the top .

  1. Notice the position of the test panel . Click on the Next button.

  1. Click on the Accept button. The panel display position will be reordered successfully.


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