The dictionary is a core component of the OpenELIS 3 Global system that allows the configuration of items such as programs by the administrator.
How to access the OpenELIS Global dictionary.
Follow steps 1 and 2 under how to access the OpenELIS administrator module.
Click on Dictionary under the master list page.
Note: Upon clicking on the dictionary under the master page, the dictionary menu will be displayed. The menu displays a Select checkbox for an entry, Category of an entry, The Dictionary Entry, Local Abbreviation and the Is Active status of an entry.
The Next button button is used to display the next 20 dictionary entries.
The Previous button is used to display the previous 20 dictionary entries.
How to search for a dictionary entry
To search for a dictionary entry, type the entry name in the Search By Dictionary Entry
Click on the Search button.
The searched dictionary entry will be displayed.
How to modify a dictionary entry
To modify a dictionary entry, click on the Select checkbox next to the entry to select it.
Click on the Modify button.
Edit the fields under the Edit Dictionary page. Fields marked with asterisks * are mandatory.
Note: The Exit button will close the Edit Dictionary page without saving. The Next button is used to display the next dictionary entry.
Click on the Save button.
How to add a dictionary entry
To add a dictionary entry, click on the add button.
Upon clicking on the Add button, The Add Dictionary form will appear. Fields with red asterisk * are mandatory to fill.
Select the category from the drop-down menu 3.
Enter the Dictionary Entry and the Local Abbreviation.
Click on the Save button.
The dictionary entry will be added successfully.
Note: The dictionary entry will be listed under pathology requests.