Technical Requirements For Deployment
OpenELIS Global - Implementation Notes
Equipments needs
we are working on the deployment of an application using network configuration. The main application is installed on a computer (server). several client workstations will be able to access to this server via a network to be configured
server minimal configuration
Processor: Core Intel i5, i7+ recommended
; RAM: 8 Gigabyte, 16+ recommended
Hard Disk: 1 Terabyte, 6+ recommended
; External Hard Disk: 2TB
Ethernet Output available or provide wifi key. Physical connection recommended
UPS: 1000 /1500 VA
workstation minimal configuration
Processor: Dual core
RAM: 4 Go
Hard Disk: 500 Go
External Hard Disk: 500 Go
Ethernet Output available or provide wifi key
UPS: 650 VA
Anything that can run Google Chrome, or Chromium
Network Configuration
Wifi Router
Provide wifi card/key or ethernet cable per workstation
Server and workstations Configurations
Site Assessments
The initial assessment is an IMPORTANT step in the preparation for implementation. It is good to have an idea of the existing in terms of infrastructure, process, organization, existing documents, existing software. The general best practice is to try to replicate the current workflow as much as possible to make the addition of the new system as seamless as possible.
Site Overview
a short Description of the laboratory activity (EG: which lab units are present, how are they oprganized)
If possible, Attach:
1. A map of the physical layout of the lab
2. A description of the physical sample processing workflow
3. Any sample forms used in the workflow
4. A description of the QA/QC workflows
5. A full test catalog
6. A list of all analyzers used
The map and description will help to determine how many workstations you will need, where they will be placed, and how many and which should have bar code printers.
External Electronic Systems Interoperability
Collect any information concerning existing software used at the health facility for potential system interoprability (EG: An OpenMRS-based electronic medical records system, sample storage system, etc)
Infrastructure Needs
Short description of current and our proposed power failure backup plan, stability of current power, etc. current internet connection and local area network;
1. Power Supply
2. Internet Network (used to connect to the consolidated server, send and recieve refferals, etc)
3. Local Area Network (used to connect the OpenELIS server with the workstations and analyzers)
4. Equipment Needs and Placement (ensure that all equipment can be networked)