Selector Update Guide
Understanding Selectors in Our Project
Choice -1:
Use Browser Devtools (Elements)
Inspect the element then match the DOM selector
Choice-2 (Recommended):
Use Existing cypress test case to locate the element
cd frontend
npm i
npm run cy:run / npm run cy:open
Run the Test using cy:open then you can easily identify the selectors
Choose the Best Selector Strategy
Preferred Order for Selectors:
1️⃣ Unique IDs (Best: #login-button
2️⃣ Data attributes ([data-test="login-button"]
3️⃣ Stable class names (.btn-login
4️⃣ XPath (only if necessary) (//button[contains(text(), 'Login')]
Avoid The following
Using absolute XPath (
)Very generic classes (
)Randomized class names
Update the Selector in Code
Update the test files example dashboardPage.js with new selectors
Update the code of components associated with the test file in this case pathology dashboard,cytology etc
Run the test again preferably with npm run cy:open
Debug the errors (in some cases use can reuse the data-testid attribute)
Committing & Submitting a PR
Run the formatter cd frontend then run npm run format
Check the pr CI run npm run cy:run on a fresh instance(delete previous docker volumes) and check for any errors
If things do well add the relevant files to git and raise a pr