GSoC ‐ Guidelines for Students
Welcome! Are you interested in working on a Google Summer of Code project with OpenELIS Global? We' want you to be a successful GSoC developer in our community so we've put together a few guidelines to answer some of your initial questions and help you understand what is expected of students before submitting a proposal, after being accepted, and during the coding period. See More on Google's Student Guide !!! caution
Only Students who meet both Google's Contributor Eligibility Requirements and also follow our Guidelines will be Selected
Before the Application
Sign Up at OpenELIS Talk and get an ID
Introduce yourself on OpenELIS Talk on the community introduction page
Become familiar with OpenELIS Global See our Installation and Developer Instructions
Review project ideas & ask questions
Work on Introductory Issues to get Familiar with the Project
Proposal Template
Use this GSOC Template to create your Application and Proposal write up.
Complete all the mandatory Fields for your application to be accepted
Submit your application through Google’s website. See Google's GSOC Get Started page here
After being accepted
Set up a blog for your Project on OpenELIS Talk where you will be posting Updates weekly
Contact your mentor immediately. Make a plan to communicate with them regularly.
Review any Issues related to your project
Prepare a detailed project plan together with your mentor.
During the coding period
Complete a short required "progress report" each week so we can make sure things are on track and there are no problems with your project. Contact organization admins any time if you have concerns about working with your mentor(s).
Write at least one blog post every week to help stay on schedule and to share your work publicly.
Commit early. Commit often. This is an important value in our open source community
Prepare mid-term & final project presentation videos about your project's status, progress, and any questions you have for the community.
After GSoC
Write a final blog post summarizing your overall experience! If you like, talk to the org admins for consideration to cross-post this article to the Google Open Source Blog.
Stay involved with your project or other projects as your schedule permits! There is always plenty of development work needed for OpenELIS volunteers like you.