User Documentation: Single Sign On


Date: 2024-09-26

Author: Caleb Steele-Lane

1. Introduction

1.1 Feature Overview

Login via a central Single Sign On location

1.2 Audience

Users for OpenELIS who need to log-on via SSO

2. Getting Started

2.1 Prerequisites

  • Must be running a version of OpenELIS-Global > 3.0

  • Must have an username and password setup through keycloak via an administrator

3. Using the Feature

3.1 Step-by-Step Instructions

3.1.1 Task 1: Navigate to the OpenELIS-Global login page and use Single SIgn On

  1. Login page will be https://<server address>/login

  2. Identify the Single Sign On Button and click it

  3. Fill out your username and password and any other information you are prompted for like:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Email

    4. New Password (if administrator set you up with a Temporary password)

  4. You should be redirected to the OpenELIS home page

4. Troubleshooting

4.1 Common Issues

  • You are not redirected to the OpenELIS-Global home page on a successful login

    • contact an administrator to fix the communication between SSo provider and OpenELIS-GLobal

  • Password rejected

    • Ensure you are using a valid username and password combination

    • Contact an administrator to reset your password