Zimbabwe HIE

Zimbabwe HIE


  1. Clone the Zim HIE repository ie https://github.com/mohcc/hie-zimbabwe.git

  2. Make sure you have an understanding of files listed under the (Migrating HIE Components to instant HIE V2) section above.

  3. In the root folder of the cloned repository,run ./get-cli.sh.This downloads the architecture specific instant CLI executable and saves it in the root directory.This allows the CLI to be run with the ./instant command.

The above command creates three folders and you need only one basing on your operating system.We will concentrate on the instant-linux folder which you can rename to instant

  1. Test that you can now run the CLI with the instant command by running ./instant,this should return a list of the available commands

  2. Deploy the project by running ./instant project init You can now start launching the packages. Start by launching the reverse proxy since its depended on by many other packages ie run ./instant package init -n reverse-proxy-nginx --env-file .env You can now run any package that you want to start ie run ./instant package init -n addpackagenamehere --env-file .env


  1. Switch off the internal proxy

  2. Make sure that the required services have ports exposed by configuring them in the docker-compose-dev file

  3. You can start things in dev mode using the - -dev flag for example ./instant package init -n interoperability-layer-openhim --env-file .env --dev

  4. Spin curl to check the running services on a given port for example curl http://localhost:8090


Environment Setup

  1. Install Docker

  2. Install Docker-compose

  3. usermod -aG docker ${USER}

  4. su - ${USER}

Deploy Impilo

  1. Make directory in /var/lib/mrs

  2. Copy deployment files into mrs folder

  3. set environment variables in .env file (servername, port,)

  4. make sure port is exposed/opened

  5. limit log file size When enabling an Impilo instance for ZHIE LIMS/SHR integration, it's possible to run out of space due to frequent logging for pushing orders to the SHR and pulling results from the ZHIE. To address this issue, you can add the following logging configurations to the Impilo server docker service: ``` logging: options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "5" Configure Database

Shut down docker ii) start mysql iii) create database mrs iii) copy file base.sql into mrs/data iv) load base.sql file v) restart docker To enable for SHR integration, open application.yml and add the following, with the correct service name application: shared-health-record: enabled: true url: http://service/SHR/fhir/ username: user password: password authenticated: true inner-url: http://service-inner/fhir/ Start docker On client, log onto Impilo EHR.

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