Examples of FHIR messages used

Examples of FHIR messages used

Examples of the messages sent between a “referring” facility and a “referral” lab.

The referring lab/clinic is the one which has an order that they would like to send to the referral lab for analysis and results.

This is an example of what is currently sent between referring and referral labs. Not every field is necessary for the exchange

Created By Referring Lab

Original Order Task:

Used internally by the referring lab

{ "resourceType": "Task", "id": "c523f13b-6803-458e-ac26-15a65abf1731", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "2021-05-17T23:54:55.409+00:00", "source": "#1fhTdTXxW5b57qZZ" }, "identifier": [ { "system": "http://openelis-global.org/order_uuid", "value": "c523f13b-6803-458e-ac26-15a65abf1731" } ], "basedOn": [ { "reference": "ServiceRequest/6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75" } ], "status": "ready", "intent": "original-order", "priority": "routine", "for": { "reference": "Patient/329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269" }, "authoredOn": "2021-05-17T00:00:00-07:00" }

Referring Order Task:

Sent to the referral lab to start the import process

{ "resourceType": "Task", "id": "b3ac906b-0a38-405c-8fb9-11d6313f26c7", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "2021-05-17T23:54:55.409+00:00", "source": "#1fhTdTXxW5b57qZZ" }, "basedOn": [ { "reference": "ServiceRequest/6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75" } ], "status": "requested", "for": { "reference": "Patient/329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269" }, "authoredOn": "2021-05-17T16:53:34-07:00", "requester": { "reference": "Organization/8136af30-901c-4d77-b133-99de824804ee" }, "owner": { "reference": "Organization/9dfdb1b3-0cc0-4835-a3b5-e8cb87f460ac" }, "reasonCode": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://openelis-global.org/refer_reason" } ] } }


Contains the loinc code of what is referred

{ "resourceType": "ServiceRequest", "id": "6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75", "meta": { "versionId": "2", "lastUpdated": "2021-05-17T23:54:55.546+00:00", "source": "#bFZoGNc5gaEDkkIx" }, "identifier": [ { "system": "http://openelis-global.org/analysis_uuid", "value": "6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75" } ], "requisition": { "system": "http://openelis-global.org/samp_labNo", "value": "20210000000000090" }, "status": "active", "intent": "original-order", "priority": "routine", "code": { "coding": [ { "system":[ "http://loinc.org"](http://loinc.org), "code": "94500-6", "display": "COVID-19 PCR" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269" }, "authoredOn": "2021-05-17T16:53:12-07:00", "specimen": [ { "reference": "Specimen/6f93831a-8745-4105-9f2a-0140bc27469f" } ] }



If present, this will be used to determine the sample type if the loinc code matches multiple sample types



Created By Referral Lab


Used solely internally by the referring lab



Based on the referred service request, used to link the observation and diagnostic report




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