Update From OpenELIS Global 1.x to 2.x
- 1 OpenELIS-Global 1 to 2 Conversion
- 2 Notes:
- 2.1 Choosing a Path
- 2.2 Backups
- 2.3 Testing New Installation
- 3 Path 1: Migrate Server to New Machine
- 3.1 Dump Database on Old Server
- 3.2 Install OpenELIS-Global 2 on New Server
- 3.3 Pause Docker containers on New Server
- 3.4 Restore Database Dump on New Server
- 3.5 Migrate Passwords (If Unmigrated) on New Server
- 3.6 Migrate Encrypted Values on New Server
- 3.7 Run Liquibase on New Server
- 3.8 Update Installation on New Server
- 4 Path 2: Update Server in Place
OpenELIS-Global 1 to 2 Conversion
Be sure to create a backup BEFORE attempting this!
Choosing a Path
Path 1 is going to be the easiest and most reliable method of upgrading from version 1 to 2, but requires having a spare machine to place OpenELIS-Global 2 on.
Path 2 is a less reliable way to move from version 1 to 2, but can be done without using a spare machine.
Before attempting any upgrade paths, be sure you have accessible backups of your currently running version of OpenELIS-Global 1 available on another drive/server.
For path 1 this involves checking to make sure you are able to successfully restore from your backup file
For path 2, it is recommended to have a backup of your entire system, not just the database.
Testing New Installation
Ensure you can log in (check more than just admin account)
Ensure old data can be properly found (ex. Search for an old patient)
Path 1: Migrate Server to New Machine
This is the recommended method of upgrading
Dump Database on Old Server
make a logical backup of your database
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -d clinlims > OpenELIS-backup.sql
Install OpenELIS-Global 2 on New Server
Follow normal install instructions for OpenELIS-Global 2
Currently located here
Pause Docker containers on New Server
Run the following command
sudo docker kill openelisglobal-webapp external-fhir-api
Restore Database Dump on New Server
Copy OpenELIS-backup.sql from old server onto new server
Copy OpenELIS-backup.sql into the docker db container
sudo docker cp OpenELIS-backup.sql openelisglobal-database:/OpenELIS-backup.sql
Recreate the database and import the dump
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dpostgres -c 'DROP DATABASE clinlims;'
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dpostgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE clinlims;'
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dpostgres -c 'ALTER DATABASE clinlims OWNER TO clinlims;'
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dclinlims -f /OpenELIS-backup.sql
Migrate Passwords (If Unmigrated) on New Server
Follow password migration instructions
Currently located here
Migrate Encrypted Values on New Server
sudo docker exec -it openelisglobal-database psql -Uclinlims -dclinlims
SELECT id, name, value FROM clinlims.site_information WHERE encrypted = 't';
record the "value" column for each row
UPDATE clinlims.site_information SET value = '' WHERE encrypted = 't';
re-add the values using the front end once the server is back up and running
Run Liquibase on New Server
Download the old liquibase files and if there is a custom branch, change to it
git clone https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/Liquibase-Outdated.git
cd Liquibase-Outdated
git checkout <branch>
Run the liquibase command
put the correct connection values in
java -jar -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 ./lib/liquibase-1.9.5.jar --defaultsFile=./liquibase.properties --url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/clinlims --contexts=<context> update
if it complains about md5 checksums, run
sudo docker exec -it openelisglobal-database psql -Uclinlims -dclinlims -c "UPDATE clinlims.databasechangelog SET md5sum = NULL;"
if Liquibase exits citing that a changeset failed, then that changeset will need to be updated in the proper branch to accommodate that DB. Fixing a changeset can occur in many ways and should be done by a developer who understands OpenELIS and its relationship with the DB.
If the changeset is doing an operation that is non-essential for your context (ie updating an Organization that doesn't exist in your DB), your context can be dropped from that changesets list of contexts
If the changeset relies on a previous changeset to run first (dropping a constraint from a table that is missing one), that previous changeset can be added to your context
If the changeset is updating based on some value that is different in this DB, the SQL should be updated to accommodate both values (ie test section called Microbiology vs Microbiologie)
Update Installation on New Server
Run upgrade script from OE2 Installer directory
sudo python2 setup_OpenELIS.py
Path 2: Update Server in Place
Backup Postgres
Run the following command
sudo -u postgres pg_dump > OpenELIS-backup.sql
Uninstall Tomcat from Server
Upgrade Ubuntu to Target Version
Update packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Update current distribution 3.
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Upgrade to next version 4.
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
5.sudo do-release-upgrade
6. Will run for a while...Check if running target version 7.
lsb_release -a
If version does not match target version, repeat from step 1
Update/Install Installation
Follow normal install/upgrade instructions for OpenELIS-Global 2
Currently located here
Restore Database Dump into new DB
Copy OpenELIS-backup.sql into the docker db container
sudo docker cp OpenELIS-backup.sql openelisglobal-database:/OpenELIS-backup.sql
Recreate the database and import the dump
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dpostgres -c 'DROP DATABASE clinlims;'
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dpostgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE clinlims;'
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dpostgres -c 'ALTER DATABASE clinlims OWNER TO clinlims;'
sudo docker exec openelisglobal-database psql -Uadmin -dclinlims -f /OpenELIS-backup.sql
Migrate Passwords (If Unmigrated)
Follow password migration instructions
Currently located here
Migrate Encrypted Values on New Server
sudo docker exec -it openelisglobal-database psql -Uclinlims -dclinlims
SELECT id, name, value FROM clinlims.site_information WHERE encrypted = 't';
record the "value" column for each row
UPDATE clinlims.site_information SET value = '' WHERE encrypted = 't';
re-add the values using the front end once the server is back up and running
Run Liquibase on New Server
Download the old liquibase files and if there is a custom branch, change to it
git clone https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/Liquibase-Outdated.git
cd Liquibase-Outdated
git checkout <branch>
Run the liquibase command
put the correct connection values in
java -jar -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 ./lib/liquibase-1.9.5.jar --defaultsFile=./liquibase.properties --url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/clinlims --contexts=<context> update
if it complains about md5 checksums, run
sudo docker exec -it openelisglobal-database psql -Uclinlims -dclinlims -c "UPDATE clinlims.databasechangelog SET md5sum = NULL;"
Update Installation
Run upgrade script from OE2 Installer directory
sudo python setup_OpenELIS.py