Get In Touch and Additional Support

Get In Touch and Additional Support

Contacting DIGI Team

If you are interested in collaborating with DIGI or would like more information, please email digit@uw.edu.

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Mailing Address

Digital Initiatives Group (DIGI)

University of Washington | HMC#359932

325 9th Ave.

Seattle, WA 98104-2499

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OpenElis Color (1).png | OpenELIS Forum

Join the OpenELIS Forum to interact with the OpenELIS Community of Practice.

1280px-OpenMRS_logo_2008.svg.png | OpenMRS Talk Forum

The OpenMRS Talk is communication hub for the worldwide OpenMRS Community. Join the OpenMRS Community forum to learn the work of the OpenMRS community. The OpenMRS Developer Forum is a forum for developers where developer tagged topics are discussed.

logoHD.fw.png | OpenHIE Subcommunities

The OpenHIE subcommunities provide information on communities of practice around OpenHIE. Visit this link to explore the various OpenHIE subcommunities


Additional ways to get involved

For additional support during your build phase, engage with other developers and implementers

  1. OpenMRS FHIR Squad

  2. FHIR Squad Bi-Weekly Calls

  3. Talk FHIR Forum

  4. OpenHIE LIS COP

  5. Slack

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