Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Used internally by the referring lab

Code Block


"resourceType": "Task",


"id": "c523f13b-6803-458e-ac26-15a65abf1731",


"meta": {


"versionId": "1",


"lastUpdated": "2021-05-17T23:54:55.409+00:00",


"source": "#1fhTdTXxW5b57qZZ"




"identifier": [ {


"system": "",


"value": "c523f13b-6803-458e-ac26-15a65abf1731"


} ],


"basedOn": [ {


"reference": "ServiceRequest/6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75"


} ],


"status": "ready",


"intent": "original-order",


"priority": "routine",


"for": {


"reference": "Patient/329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269"




"authoredOn": "2021-05-17T00:00:00-07:00"



Referring Order Task:

Sent to the referral lab to start the import process

Code Block


"resourceType": "Task",


"id": "b3ac906b-0a38-405c-8fb9-11d6313f26c7",


"meta": {


"versionId": "1",


"lastUpdated": "2021-05-17T23:54:55.409+00:00",


"source": "#1fhTdTXxW5b57qZZ"




"basedOn": [ {


"reference": "ServiceRequest/6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75"


} ],


"status": "requested",


"for": {


"reference": "Patient/329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269"




"authoredOn": "2021-05-17T16:53:34-07:00",


"requester": {


"reference": "Organization/8136af30-901c-4d77-b133-99de824804ee"




"owner": {


"reference": "Organization/9dfdb1b3-0cc0-4835-a3b5-e8cb87f460ac"




"reasonCode": {


"coding": [ {


"system": ""


} ]






Contains the loinc code of what is referred

Code Block


"resourceType": "ServiceRequest",


"id": "6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75",


"meta": {


"versionId": "2",


"lastUpdated": "2021-05-17T23:54:55.546+00:00",


"source": "#bFZoGNc5gaEDkkIx"




"identifier": [ {


"system": "",


"value": "6207a536-68ed-4b5d-828d-79f4c046af75"


} ],


"requisition": {


"system": "",


"value": "20210000000000090"




"status": "active",


"intent": "original-order",


"priority": "routine",


"code": {


"coding": [ {


Code Block

 "system":[ ""](,

 "code": "94500-6",

 "display": "COVID-19 PCR"

} ]




"subject": {


"reference": "Patient/329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269"




"authoredOn": "2021-05-17T16:53:12-07:00",


"specimen": [ {


"reference": "Specimen/6f93831a-8745-4105-9f2a-0140bc27469f"


} ]




Code Block


"resourceType": "Patient",


"id": "329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269",


"meta": {


"versionId": "4",


"lastUpdated": "2021-04-30T00:07:43.944+00:00",


"source": "#PsZSVy7K5fn83mfx"




"text": {


"status": "generated",


"div": "<div xmlns=\"\ "><div class=\"hapiHeaderText\">crày <b>CRAY </b></div><table class=\"hapiPropertyTable\"><tbody><tr><td>Identifier</td><td>121212</td></tr><tr><td>Date of birth</td><td><span>16 May 1994</span></td></tr></tbody></table></div>"




"identifier": [ {


"system": "",


"value": "121212"


}, {


"system": "",


"value": "121212"


}, {


"system": "",


"value": "329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269"


}, {


"system": "",


"value": "329f09da-0fc9-419d-9575-ace689544269"


} ],


"name": [ {


"family": "cray",


"given": [ "crày" ]


} ],


"gender": "male",


"birthDate": "1994-05-16"




If present, this will be used to determine the sample type if the loinc code matches multiple sample types
